Baku, Azerbaijan, July 24-30, 2011

Welcome to "Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability"
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Dear Organizers,

I know you still have plenty to do before you put the conference "to bed"!

But you did a fantastic job and it was, indeed, a very successful conference enjoyed by all. Thank you very much for looking after me and my wife. We enjoyed our visit to Baku and hope to return in 2013.

Best wishes

I am just writing to thank you for such a great job of organizing the conference in Baku. I returned home with no major problems and have just now returned from a week’s holidays with my family.

Thank you again for all the time and concern that you gave me for my visa and during the conference. It was really an unforgettable experience.

Best regards,

Bob Blankenship

Thank you very much for the nice conference and your kind invitation for me to join to the conference. It was an excellent meeting with full of important information. I  really enjoyed it. Thank you again.

Dishes in Azerbaijan were very nice. In particular, Japanese participants all said the same. You selected a nice hotel, which served nice comfortable rooms and nice restaurants.

You must have been very exhausted after the conference. I understand you were paying the greatest effort during and before the conference to make it so successful. It was very successful. All participants said the same. I hope you have recovered or are recovering from the exhaust.

If you have some idea to wok with me, I am happy to do so.

With my best wishes and regards.

Norio Murata

I thank you again for all of you efforts to make the conference in Baku very successful and at the same time very pleasant.

With all of my best wishes


I have now returned safely to Okayama .

My stay in Baku was very pleasant. I should like to thank you and your colleagues for having invited me and for having given me the opportunity to serve and discuss at the Conference. Obviously, the International Conference on “Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability” was very successful. You had done a great job!

I shall never forget my visit at this time. It was a wonderful experience. I have the greatest respect for the gracious charm of your people and I hope that one day I shall be able to revisit Baku to see the future.

Best regards,

I regret that I could not say good-bye to you  before my departure. I wish to thank you again and to congratulate you for putting up such a splendid and successful meeting in such a beautiful environment. Please thank your staff for all their efforts to make our stay so enjoyable.
With best wishes,


Thanks for everything in the conference it was a great experience for me and we enjoyed a lot and had a great time. Thanks again for all your support and effort, i have reached India safely.

And Belated Happy B'day.

Thanks again for everything 
with Warm Regards
Sonal Mathur

Thank you very much for your hospitality at Baku.
I safely returned to Kyoto last night.
Because my flight was delayed about 3 hours at Baku, I missed my flight at Istanbul.
So, I spent one day at Istanbul waiting for next day's flight.
Today I came to laboratory, and discussed the progress with my students.

I was enjoyed the conference fully.
Thanks again for all.

Best regards,


Hi!! How are you?? Must be relaxing after months of non-stop work.
I heartily congratulate you for organising such great event. It was a very successful conference. You and your team deserves applause from everyone who attended it.
When do you plan to put conference photographs on the site? We are eagerly waiting for them!!!
best regards,


Thank you very much for your organizing an excellent meeting and for
your hospitality during my stay in Baku.

I had a very good time in Baku, and I have got to like Azerbaijan very much.

Looking forward to seeing all of you again,

Mitsue Miyao-Tokutomi


Thank you very much for the high level, well organized conference and wonderful hospitality. We had a great time in Azerbaijan.
We are looking forward to meet you at our home in Tartu.

Arvi & Niina

I came back to Netherlands few days ago from Baku.

I must thank you for organizing such a great conference. It was really a nice meeting and for a young researcher like me, there was a lot to learn.

Also the Baku city was nice and it was beautiful to visit various places in Baku.


Thank you again,


Kind regards,


Khurram Saleem Joya

Leiden University

The  Netherlands 



How are you?

I greatly appreciate for you splendid hospitality at Baku PS2011. It was a very pleasant time for me. I was excited their presentations at Baku, and All dishes were quite nice :)


With my best regards,




Nasilsiniz? Baku de sizlerle tanismak benim icin buyuk bir onurdu.

Mukemmel bir organizasyon ve vermis oldugunuz destekten dolayi size tekrar cok tesekkur ederim.




Emine Dinc



It was nice meeting you in Baku.


I enjoyed the conference, it was a good meeting.


I thank you again for the kind support.


Best regards,



I was surprised to see that more than one month has been passed since the meeting. Congratulations on the successful congress. Personally, I sincerely appreciate your kind support to get visa even our applications were late.
It is a pity that I did not have a chance to talk with you at the conference. Please let me introduce again. Although my background is photosynthesis, I have been away for a while because of another concern: nitric oxide (NO) research. I found your name on the papers involving Professor Murata and Dr. Shun Takahashi. Shun got Ph.D. in my lab and moved to NIBB as postdoc. Now, he is a group leader at Australian National University. I had not known that you worked with Shun, and recognized the world is small.

I am hoping we will have a chance to see again.

Thank you.Sincerely


First of all, thank you for inviting me to such an important conference in the field of photosynthesis.  I certainly enjoyed it a lot, though I missed the second half of the conference because of some overlapped meeting held in Tokyo.

Best wishes,


Thank you very much once again for all the work you have done to organize the very nice conference in Baku and for all the help I got.

Thank you very much


Thank you for your excellent hospitality and kind consideration to me in Baku. After then, I visited three countries, Singapore, Finland, and USA, and have little time to relax until now. I guess that you are also very busy.

Best regards,


Большое Вам спасибо за организацию замечательной конференции в Баку! Научная программа была потрясающе интересная. Баку - очень красивый город, и я рада, что у меня была возможность там побывать.

С уважением,

Ольга Аверчева

I hope you have recovered after the meeting - which was really great!

Thanks for all your hospitality and bringing us together, also for the nice photos (I, too have some, but have not got the time to select them and send you)

W best wishes


I would like to thank you for all the help and everything else you have done for me in Baku. It was an excellent conference and I hope you can do it aging in the near future.

Please, give my best regards to your family and everyone I know around you!

